Range Resources Publishes Updated Sustainability Report

Range Resources Corporation announced the publication of an updated Corporate Sustainability Report. The 2020-2021 Corporate Sustainability Report provides a detailed insight into Range’s approach, achievements, and goals on environmental, social, and governance topics.

This report covers a broad set of focus areas, with an emphasis on material subjects for the business and key stakeholders. With this report, we hope to enhance Range’s track record of proactive, transparent communications and industry-leading initiatives.

Range continues to advance toward its short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives specifically related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, keeping it on track to achieve its strategic goal of net zero GHG emissions by 2025, which has been expanded to include Scope 1 and Scope 2. The company views scope 2 emissions as part of its GHG inventory and believes this added commitment strengthens its sustainability goals.

Corporate Sustainability Report Highlights include:

Corporate Governance

Created ESG & Safety Committee, formalizing existing board oversight of ESG

Proactive ongoing outreach to shareholders soliciting feedback on ESG efforts

50 percent of Independent Directors are Ethnic/Gender Diverse

Safety Leadership

Range employees completed 1,800 hours of safety-related training

0.30 Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART)

Environmental Stewardship

Expanded its 2025 net zero emissions goal to include Scope 2 GHG emissions

Achieved a 69 percent reduction in GHG emissions intensity and 86 percent reduction in methane emissions intensity compared to our 2017 baseline

Decreased reported equipment leak emissions by more than 66 percent as a result of increased frequency of LDAR surveys from semi-annual to quarterly (vs. 2019).

Recycled 148 percent of produced water and flowback volume through water sharing program

Expanded Emissions Measurement by entering into a pilot program with Project Canary, utilizing continuous monitoring technology

Community Impact

$240 million impact fees paid to Pennsylvania since 2011 to support construction of new schools, roads, parks, etc.

$2.9 Billion in royalties paid to landowners since 2006.

Direct annual investments in our communities, including over $100,000 in Range’s Community COVID-19 Stimulus Package

Human Capital

Formed Multi-Ethnic Employee Resource Group (MERG) and Range Energy Network of Women (RENEW) employee resource groups for multi-ethnic employees and female employees respectively

Established a flexible remote-work policy for employees

The full Corporate Sustainability Report is available at https://csr.rangeresources.com

Courtesy of Range Resources. 

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