Featured Stories

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Fugitive Emissions Journal home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries.

NEWAY VALVE: Driving a Culture of Innovation and Excellence

Founded in 1997, Neway Valve (Suzhou) Co., Ltd is a global leader in industrial valve manufacturing.

Sealing with Flexible Graphite: Unique Properties to Mitigate Fugitive Emissions

Flexible graphite, a derivative of natural graphite, is often recognized as a material of choice for various industrial applications due to its exceptional properties.

Advanced Couplers Can Help Optimize the Handling of Hazardous Chemicals

Closed-loop systems are the safest way to prevent the leakage and spillage of hazardous chemicals and a portfolio of dry-disconnect coupler technologies is available to aid in that task.

Fugitive Emissions and Perpetual AI

Emissions refer to the release of substances—typically gases or particles—into the atmosphere.

A Tour of the City of Hamilton’s Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

The City of Hamilton, Ontario’s Water Treatment Plant is one of the oldest in Canada and is located on the same property as the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

EPA Issues New Standards of Performance and Emission Guidelines

“On January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order titled ‘Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,’ which directs the EPA to propose a rulemaking to reduce methane and volatile organic compound emissions in the oil and natural gas sector by suspending, revising, or rescinding the previously issued New Source Performance Standards and propose new regulations to establish standards of performance for methane and volatile organic compound emissions from the exploration and production, transmission, processing, and storage segments by September 2021.

Net Zero by 2050: The Hydrogen Boom

The first human walked on the moon in 1969 when Apollo 11 lunar module landed on the moon surface using hydrogen as rocket fuel for propulsion. It made the U.S the leader in hydrogen production and fuel cells technologies. Due to environmental concerns from burning fossil fuels, the current energy transition in the market to clean energy sources and carriers is getting more important. Hydrogen is one piece of the Net Zero by 2050 puzzle. As an energy carrier which can deliver energy produced from other sources such as fossil fuels, water, and biological processes, it will be essential moving forward.

NIPPON PILLAR – A Century of Excellence

Established in 1924, Nippon Pillar has solidified its position in the industry as a global leader in sealing technologies.

Innovative Design and Reducing Emissions- An Interview with Chris Kennell, VP of Sales –...

Working to eliminate fugitive emissions is an ongoing process. Companies are developing new and innovative technologies every day to help in the fight against these emissions to reduce the risk to the environment and surrounding individuals.

Key Considerations in Fugitive Emissions Reduction

Fugitive emissions are unintentional or accidental, emitting continuous minute amounts of gases into the atmosphere. They come from numerous sources valves, pipe connection, equipment seals, compressors, valve flanges, abandoned wells, flaring, mine ventilation, and more. These emissions are related to human activities but do not fit into any other category and they can occur at any point within the process and the facility.