Presaging Industry Innovation: An Interview with Sourabh Nyalkalkar, Practice Head, GlobalData Plc.
Machine learning, large language models (LLM), and artificial intelligence (AI) together represent the most potentially transformative innovation of the current age.
Shifting the PoD Paradigm: Evaluating Continuous Monitoring Systems Beyond Probability of Detection
Probability of Detection (PoD) curves are widely used to evaluate methane measurement technologies, particularly for OGI cameras.
Smart Infrared: Revolutionizing Industrial Emissions Monitoring, Preventive Maintenance and Safety
In a period of industrial transition, technological breakthroughs are adopted in the face of adversity.
Teadit Spiral Wound Gaskets: A Solution for Low-Emission Compliance
As regulatory standards evolve and industries shift towards low-emission technologies, many believe that the role of low-emission (LE) gaskets will become more substantial. Currently, no consent decrees reference LE gaskets, despite their crucial role in ensuring leak-free operations.
Options for Pegged Emission Rates and Analyzers in LDAR Programs
This article will outline the options available to LDAR (Leak Detection and Repair) programs regarding pegged emission rates and analyzers, focusing on valves in light liquid/gas vapor service.
Field Test of Airborne Gas Detector ALMA
This article provides a comparative analysis of devices for remote detection of methane leaks.
Testing of the Airdar System for Oil Leak Detection
Early detection of liquid hydrocarbon releases is crucial for the safety and efficiency of oil and gas operations, especially for pipelines and operations in remote locations.
In Compliance: Minimizing Emissions and Increasing Opportunity With Advanced Monitoring and Control Solutions
Smart technologies including smart solenoid valves, wireless thief hatch monitors, and advanced redundant control systems improve process control and safety for oil and gas operations.
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Cornerstone for Sustainable Manufacturing and Industrial Pollution Control
In today’s rapidly evolving industrial landscape, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) stands as a fundamental pillar of ethical business practice, particularly in industrial manufacturing and pollution control sectors.
Innovating Sustainability: Score’s Commitment to Emission Mitigation
Fugitive Emissions Journal had the pleasure of speaking to Andrew Stephen, Americas Business Unit Director, Trevor Fleming, Global Emissions Lead, & Dave Anderson, Technology, Market and Collaborations Lead about Score’s impact in the industry, its approach to emission mitigation, and carrying a 40-year legacy through the era of digitalization.