Enel X Brings “Rays of Sunshine” to Frontera Energy in Colombia

Enel X has been chosen by Frontera Energy to help the Canadian petroleum exploration and production company build its first solar energy park. According to the terms of the partnership, Enel X will be charged with designing, building, and assembling the plant, to be located in the CPE-6 section of the municipality of Puerto Gaitán, part of Colombia’s centrally located Meta Department. The Ikotia solar park – the name stands for “rays of sunshine” in the Sikuani dialect – will boast an installed capacity of 7.85 MWp and will generate 11.38 GWh/year, enough to power the equivalent of some 56,000 homes each using an average of 200 kWh per month. The energy produced will be fed into the medium voltage grid and will be used to power the firm’s local offices and field operations, including crude oil and water treatment activities. Representing an investment of over $7.5 million, when operational the PV facility will help Frontera cut its CO₂ emissions by 8,215 tons each year, the equivalent to the amount absorbed by planting some 500,000 trees annually.

Courtesy of Enel X.

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