BUTTING reduces CO2 emissions via train transportation

Last year BUTTING got a bit closer to achieving its environmental policy goals: by shifting large parts of its transports to the railways, it was able to reduce its CO2 emissions.

In 2019, it transported goods with a total weight of over 37 000 tons, by freight trains instead of lorries. As freight transport by rail is the most environmentally friendly method of transport, CO2 emissions were reduced considerably.

Using recognized tools for calculating the environmental impact of freight transport, such as the EcoTransIT World (Ecological Transport Information Tool), the environmental impact of transporting goods by lorry and train has been determined in accordance with standard EN 16258:2012.

BUTTING has placed great emphasis on electromobility for some time now, and is increasingly using electric industrial lorries on the company premises. These do not emit CO2 during their operation.

The reduction of CO2 emissions is part of the environmental protection practiced in its family business. In the context of a sustainable development process, a central principle of its corporate governance is the equal weighting given to environmental protection and to other company objectives.

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