Fluor and Carbfix Collaborate to Address Carbon Capture and Storage Solutions for Hard-to-Abate Sectors

Fluor Corporation announced its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Carbfix, the world’s first carbon dioxide (CO2) mineral storage operator, to pursue integrated carbon capture and storage (CCS) solutions. Together, the companies look to minimize the impacts of climate change by helping to decarbonize hard-to-abate industries with high greenhouse gas emissions, such as steel, aluminum, and cement.

The companies will leverage their respective expertise to partner with clients looking for end-to-end CO2 reduction. Fluor will provide its proprietary Econamine FG PlusSM carbon capture technology and its breadth of engineering, procurement and construction experience. Carbfix’s transformative technology dissolves CO2 in water and injects it into porous basaltic rock formations, where natural processes cause the CO2 to form stable carbonate minerals within two years.

The MOU also enables the two companies to pursue CO2 removal projects such as direct air capture and bioenergy carbon capture and storage.

Carbfix has applied its method of turning CO2 into stone underground for more than a decade in Iceland. The company currently captures and mineralizes one-third of the CO2 emissions from Iceland’s largest geothermal power plant, with the goal of increasing this rate to 95% by 2025.

Courtesy of Fluor.

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