Fugitive Emissions and Perpetual AI

Emissions refer to the release of substances—typically gases or particles—into the atmosphere. These substances can originate from various sources, both natural and human-made, and they can have significant environmental and health impacts.

By Gobind Khiani, M. Eng., P.Eng.

The primary types of emissions are numerous, but disseminating the types and their sources allows for a more concentrated view of potential solutions.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), de-forestation, and various industrial processes contribute to the overproduction of CO2.

Methane (CH4): The production and transport of coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as livestock and other agricultural practices, emit CH4.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Agricultural and industrial activities, as well as the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass contribute to the amount of N2O that is released into the atmosphere.

Fluorinated Gases: Synthetic gases are used in various industrial applications, such as refrigerants, solvents, and propellants.

Air Pollutants

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): Certain industrial processes, as well as burning fossil fuels, contain sulfur (mainly coal and oil).

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): High-temperature combustion processes produce NOx, such as those in cars and power plants.

Particulate Matter (PM): Tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the air, originate from construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokestacks, or fires.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Paints, varnishes, and solvents, as well as combustion of fossil fuels, emit VOCs.

Toxic Chemicals

Heavy Metals (e.g., mercury, lead): Industrial processes, mining activities, and the burning of fossil fuels release heavy metals into the atmosphere.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Chemical substances that persist in the environment accumulate through the food web and pose a risk to human health and the environment.

Sources and Impacts

Natural Sources:

Volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and natural decay of organic matter can release significant amounts of CO2, methane, and particulates into the atmosphere.

Human Activities:

Transportation: Vehicles and airplanes emit large quantities of CO2, NOx, and PM.

Industry: Factories and power plants are major sources of CO2, SO2, NOx, and VOCs.

Agriculture: Practices such as livestock farming and the use of synthetic fertilizers release methane and nitrous oxide.

Residential: Heating, cooking, and waste management activities contribute to various emissions.

Environmental and Health Impacts

Greenhouse Gases: GHGs are contributing factors to global warming and climate change.

Air Pollutants: Pollution can cause respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and premature death.

Toxic Chemicals: Contaminated water and soil pose long-term health risks and damage ecosystems.

Efforts to reduce emissions focus on cleaner technologies, renewable energy sources, improved efficiency, and regulations that limit the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Emissions management involves monitoring, reducing, and reporting emissions to mitigate their environmental impact. The following key tools and techniques are being used in emissions management:


Emissions Inventory Software:

SIMAP: Universities use this tool to track GHG emissions and other sustainability metrics.

ClearPath: Developed by ICLEI, this software helps local governments measure, monitor, and manage their GHG emissions.

Carbon Accounting Platforms:

GHG Protocol Tools: Developed by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative, these tools provide standards and guidelines for companies to calculate and report their GHG emissions.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): CDP is a global platform for companies and cities to disclose their environmental impacts, including GHG emissions.

Energy Management Systems (EMS):

ISO 50001: This international standard provides a framework for organizations to manage and improve their energy performance and reduce GHG emissions.

Environmental Management Information Systems (EMIS):

These systems integrate various environmental data and provide a centralized platform for tracking and managing emissions, compliance, and sustainability initiatives.

AI and Machine Learning Tools:

Carbon Footprint Calculators: These tools use AI to analyze data and provide insights into an organization’s carbon footprint.

Predictive Analytics: Analytics forecast future emissions and identify the most effective reduction strategies (BCG Global) (Stanford AI Institute).


Emissions Monitoring:

Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS): CEMS measure the emissions from industrial processes in real-time, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Satellite Monitoring: Satellites track large-scale emissions, such as methane leaks from oil and gas fields.

Energy Efficiency Improvements:

Retrofits and Upgrades: Improving the efficiency in buildings and industrial equipment reduces energy consumption.

Behavioral Changes: Implementing programs encourages energy-saving behaviors among employees and stakeholders.

Renewable Energy Adoption:

Solar, Wind, and Hydropower: Transitioning to renewable energy sources reduces dependence on fossil fuels and lowers GHG emissions.

Carbon Offsetting:

Purchase of Carbon Credits: Investing in projects that reduce or remove GHGs from the atmosphere offsets emissions from other activities.

Reforestation and Afforestation: Planting trees absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere.

Process Optimization:

Lean Manufacturing: Employing techniques that improve efficiency and reduce waste will enhance production processes.

Circular Economy Practices: Designing products and processes minimizes waste and maximizes reusing and recycling.

Policy and Compliance:

Adhering to Regulatory Standards: Comply with local, national, and international regulations on emissions.

Setting Science-Based Targets: Aligning emissions reduction targets with climate science contributes to global climate goals.

Public Reporting and Transparency:

Sustainability Reporting: Disclosing emissions data and sustainability efforts in annual reports or sustainability reports adds transparency and legitimacy.

Third-Party Verification: Verifying emissions data and reduction efforts through independent third parties ensure accuracy and credibility (Columbia Climate School News) (BCG Global) (Stanford AI Institute).

By combining these tools and techniques, organizations can effectively manage their emissions, reduce their environmental impact, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Integration of Artificial Intelligence

The assimilation of artificial intelligence (AI) into various sectors has raised concerns about its environmental impact, particularly its carbon footprint. The energy consumption associated with AI, especially large-scale models, is significant. For instance, training GPT-3, a model with 175 billion parameters, consumed about 1,287 MWh of electricity and resulted in 502 metric tons of CO2 emissions, comparable to the annual emissions of 112 gasoline-powered cars (Columbia Climate School News) (Stanford AI Institute). Moreover, AI inference—where the model makes predictions—often consumes more energy than training, contributing to the overall environmental burden (Columbia Climate School News).

However, AI also offers substantial potential to mitigate emissions across industries. By optimizing operations, improving energy efficiency, and enabling more accurate emissions monitoring and prediction, AI can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For example, AI applications can potentially reduce global emissions by 2.6 to 5.3 gigatons of CO2 equivalent, which represents a 5% to 10% reduction in total emissions if applied universally (BCG Global).

To address the emissions from AI itself, companies are exploring several strategies:

Utilizing Renewable Energy: Shifting AI training and inference tasks to data centers powered by renewable energy can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Companies like Google and Microsoft are already powering their data centers with 100% renewable energy (Stanford AI Institute).

Improving Energy Efficiency: Optimizing the scheduling and management of computing tasks can reduce the number of active machines and thus energy consumption. Research is also ongoing into running computers at lower speeds or using more energy-efficient algorithms without sacrificing performance (Stanford AI Institute).

Transparency and Measurement: Tools like the “experiment impact tracker” developed by researchers from Stanford and other institutions help measure the electricity usage and carbon emissions of AI projects, providing crucial data for making informed decisions about energy consumption and identifying opportunities for improvement (Stanford AI Institute).

Developing Green AI Practices: This includes designing less power-hungry algorithms and promoting best practices in AI development and deployment to minimize environmental impact (Stanford AI Institute).

When it comes to emissions management, perpetual AI could revolutionize the way we approach sustainability:

  1. Continuous Monitoring: Perpetual AI could constantly monitor emissions from various sources such as industrial plants, vehicles, and energy production facilities. By integrating with sensors and data streams, it could provide real-time insights into emission levels.
  2. Predictive Analytics: Utilizing advanced algorithms, perpetual AI could analyze historical data and current trends to predict future emission levels. This proactive approach would allow for better planning and mitigation strategies.
  3. Optimization and Control: By interfacing with control systems, perpetual AI could optimize processes to minimize emissions without compromising efficiency. This might involve adjusting parameters in real-time to maintain optimal performance while reducing environmental impact.
  4. Decision Support: Perpetual AI could assist decision-makers in evaluating the environmental impact of different actions or policies. By simulating various scenarios, it could help identify the most effective strategies for emission reduction.
  5. Adaptive Learning: Over time, perpetual AI could learn from its experiences and improve its ability to manage emissions. This adaptive learning process would enable it to continually refine its algorithms and strategies for maximum effectiveness.
  6. Integration with Climate Models: Perpetual AI could integrate with climate models to assess the broader implications of emissions reduction efforts. By considering factors such as climate feedback loops and regional impacts, it could provide valuable insights for long-term planning.
  7. Stakeholder Engagement: Perpetual AI could facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders involved in emissions management, including government agencies, businesses, and environmental organizations. By providing transparent data and analysis, it could foster consensus and cooperation towards common sustainability goals.


While AI’s growth presents challenges for emissions, it also holds promise for substantial reductions in carbon footprints through optimized operations and sustainable practices. Balancing the benefits and environmental costs of AI will require concerted efforts from researchers, companies, and policymakers.

Perpetual AI has the potential to transform emissions management into a proactive, adaptive, and collaborative process, ultimately helping to address the urgent challenges of climate change.


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Nature) (BCG Global). Author’s code committee Colleagues.


Gobind N Khiani, a distinguished alumnus of the University of Calgary, is a seasoned change-maker in the energy sector. Along with a Fellowship, he is on the Board of Directors for Energy Sustainability Training for Young Engineers and Geoscientists and Canadian Prairie Group of Chartered Engineers since 2019, and also serves as Chairman of the End User Group at API 609 and Vice-Chairman of Standards Council of Canada. As the past chair of the CBEC of APEGA, he has showcased his leadership and contributions to professional engineering organizations.

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