Are You Expanding Your Knowledge on Fugitive Emissions?

As various industrial sectors continue to prioritize environmental initiatives, the Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas 2020 will be a meeting point for those in the environmental community to expand their knowledge on the latest strategies, technologies, services, products, and capabilities available to reduce environmental damages caused by industrial emissions, and to help reduce company product loss. 

To be held on December 9th at 10th at the San Jacinto College’s LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical, Energy, & Technology (CPET) in Pasadena, TX, the Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas 2020 will highlight environmental hot topics including Leak Detection & Repair (LDAR), Benzene Waste (BWON), Emission Control & Prevention, Tanks, Monitoring & Testing Technology, Air Permitting, and Best Management and Practices. The event will also allow for industry professionals to gather together and network by meeting new industry peers and simultaneously reaffirming old relationships.  

Register today to expand your fugitive emissions knowledge and to stay connected to the environmental community.

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