Cheniere Energy & Sempra to add CCS to LNG

Cheniere Energy and Sempra Energy, two of the largest American exporters of liquefied natural gas, announced they are looking to add carbon capture and sequestration capabilities to their projects.

Sempra is looking at adding technology that would capture and store carbon at its proposed Port Arthur LNG export terminal in Texas and its Cameron LNG plant in neighboring Louisiana. Emissions-reducing electric turbines, power purchase agreements from renewables and hydrogen production capabilities will also be considered, 

Cheniere, the largest U.S. LNG exporter, is likewise looking to add carbon capture and storage to its Corpus Christi plant in Texas and Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana.

It is reported final investment decisions will be delayed until 2022 as LNG deal-making largely still on hold following the coronavirus pandemic.

Details Courtesy of Bloomberg.

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