Jericho Energy Ventures and LINE Hydrogen Partner

North America based Jericho Energy Ventures Inc., and Australia’s LINE Hydrogen (Australia) Pty Ltd have executed a Memorandum of Understanding to bring to Australia a leading hydrogen boiler technology, known as DCC Boiler.

Hydrogen Technologies, a fully owned subsidiary of JEV, has patented a breakthrough method for burning hydrogen and oxygen in a vacuum chamber to create high-temperature water and/or steam with zero greenhouse gases. With the only by-product being water, the Dynamic Combustion Chamber Boiler (DCC Boiler) harnesses the power of hydrogen, for commercial heating, hot water and industrial steam boiler applications.

In an Australian first, LINE Hydrogen and JEV will collaborate to bring DCC Boilers to Australia. LINE Hydrogen will also make available to JEV and its customers priority supply of green hydrogen and look to enter into offtake agreements for the supply of LINE Hydrogen’s green hydrogen produced at its George Town Green Hydrogen Plant.

JEV and LINE Hydrogen expect that additional industry partners will be announced in the coming months with the first DCC Boiler expected to be installed and commissioned in Tasmania in 2023 to match LINE Hydrogen’s green hydrogen production timeline.
Courtesy of Jericho Energy Ventures.
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