Low Carbon Economy Challenge Launched in Canada

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges and economic opportunities, which is why the Government of Canada has committed to championing projects that will reduce emissions and drive job creation.
The Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna, announced the first-ever recipient of funding from the Low Carbon Economy Challenge’s Champions stream, Enwave Energy Corporation. The Government is investing $10 million in the expansion of Enwave’s deep lake water cooling system. This technology draws cold water from Lake Ontario and uses it to cool hospitals as well as government, educational, and high-rise buildings in Toronto’s downtown core. Buildings are typically energy intensive, and this project can reduce the amount of energy needed to air-condition buildings by up to 80 per cent. By leveraging investments made by Enwave, the Government is working together with Canadian businesses to support ingenuity and grow Canada’s clean economy.
The Low Carbon Economy Challenge is part of the Low Carbon Economy Fund. The program will leverage Canadian ingenuity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate clean growth in support of Canada’s clean growth and climate action plan, (the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change).
The Challenge is broken into two streams:
Champions stream
The $450 million Champions stream will provide funding to all eligible applicants
Provinces and territories
Indigenous communities
Not-for-profit organizations
Partnerships stream
The $50 million Partnerships stream is limited to:
Indigenous communities and organizations
small and medium-sized businesses
not-for-profit organizations

small municipalities

For more information, or to apply, please visit: www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/low-carbon-economy-fund/challenge

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